Sunday, May 16, 2010

Spring Activities

Hello again. This week I finally got around to upload some pictures from this spring onto my camera so I decided to share some of them with you and explain where they came from. Now where to start?...

Our first large school activity in March was Senior Night. Senior Night is essentially the same as senior prom is in the States, but there are a few important differences. First, it's a big deal. It's a very big deal. It is best to be thought of as a mix between a senior prom, a fashion show and a family reunion. Second, having a date is very important. Unlike in the States where you may be able to get away with the old "I'm just going with some friends," here, the first 90 minutes of the event are spent announcing every senior who is present and their guest. The two walk onto the stage from opposite sides, meet in the middle, give each other flowers or ulas (Samoan leis) and then walk to the front of the stage to have their photo taken. The prom is also like a fashion show because during this presentation time, everyone sees what everyone else is wearing. Many times it is popular for the couple to have extremely matching coordinated outfits. Like this:

It was great. Then, Senior Night is also somewhat like a family reunion because 1) most everyone is already related anyway and 2) many of the parents, aunts, uncles and grandparents come to watch the kids at the dance. It makes things sort of awkward when the kids start dancing, but that's just how it is.

Overall, the evening was very nice. I saw a bunch of my students there and really enjoyed hanging out with some of them outside of the classroom. Here is a picture of how the gym was decorated for the occasion:

My next activity in early April was the Easter egg hunt! The posters advertising for the hunt claimed that there were 25,000 eggs in total... and I absolutely believe it. Steve and I headed over to the hunt around 9 am on the Friday before Easter. We helped with a bunch of the games and also aided the other volunteers "hiding" the eggs in this huge park (Lions Park) in Tafuna. All of the children were separated in different age groups and then mayhem ensued when they were let loose to collect as many eggs as possible. Surprisingly, the whole hunt went well. I didn't see any tears or injuries - always a good thing.

All the Easter eggs you could ever want

Easter egg hunt in beautiful Tafuna

Let the games begin!

Then the month or so since the hunt occurred has been filled with a multitude of other events. One of the most notable experiences was a hike to a secret cove on the west side of the island. One Saturday, my friends Molly, Christin and I went venturing out to explore the island. Christin picked me up from my house, drove 10 minutes down a series of lefts and rights until she finally parked her car in front of a random house. I gave her a quizzical look, to which she laughed and replied, "It's okay. I know them." We then exited the car and I remained baffled. Although she and Molly assured me that we were in the right place, all I saw was a house surrounded by banana trees. Then, the two of them push through two large banana trees and begin the trek to the beach. I was shocked that this "path" was going to lead anywhere, but after a 15 minute walk down some hills, through a large meadow, we did emerge at a beautiful secluded beach. The water was nice, and the coral did not cover the whole beach so there was good swimming. We tanned, chatted and relaxed for a few hours before heading back home. Just another day in American Samoa.

Larson's Cove

And finally, I have a treat for all of you. In American Samoa, it is often common to see two people who are dating or married wearing clothes made from the same fabric. Not only is it common, it is also very amusing. So for hilarity's sake and also when in American Samoa...

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting a Late Start

Hello everyone! I know that I am getting a late start on this blogging business, but in light of my recent employment and travel decisions, I think that this will be the best way to stay in touch over the next few months.

Things are going well here in American Samoa. I have only 3 weeks left teaching - that's 14 school days left, but who's counting? Second semester has flown by. Going home for winter break was wonderful, and then I spent most of January and February coaching track and field for the
Tafuna High School team. We had a lot of inexperienced runners and athletes, but we slowly improved enough to win second place overall in the island-wide meet. Quite a feat for us. Here are some photos of the girls.

After track was over, March came around which featured midterm exams and spring break. For spring break, ten of my friends and I went to Western Samoa, which is an island country only about a 30 minute plane ride away. For the trip, we rented a house right outside of the main city of Apia. The trip was a wonderful reprieve from the rigors of school. We went swimming, snorkeling, sliding off waterfalls, exploring caves and experienced our fair share of the Samoan nightlife. One day, some of the boys also went to the local fish market, bought a shark for the equivalent of 2 USD and then made shark soup (with the help of our landlady). Very good vacation.

Since April, I have just been enjoying myself and trying to get the most out of this place as possible. Two of my friends and I played in a tennis tournament at the local tennis club, and that was very fun. Kelly and I actually made it to the women's doubles semi-finals. I've also been doing a lot of hiking and beach faring. There is only so much time left and so many things to do!

As I said before though, there are only 14 days of school left and although it will be bittersweet to leave here, I am excited because I have so many plans for the summer. Here is the schedule for the summer:

June 6th - Leave American Samoa

June 7th - Arrive in Honolulu and spend one day there

June 8th - 12th - Travel to Kauai

June 12th - June 22nd - Back to Honolulu and then maybe to the Big Island

Wooohoo! My mom's coming to visit in Hawaii. It should be an awesome time exploring Honolulu and Oahu - going to Pearl Harbor, hiking, kayaking, art museums - and then traveling out to the Big Island. On the Big Island, we're going to go to Volcanic National Park and see some of the active volcanoes over there. Should be a very exciting/relaxing trip with lots of good food!

June 22nd - July 10th - CHINA!

I got accepted into a quasi teaching program in China for a few weeks over the summer so I'll be traveling over there. We're going to be in Beijing, Hangzhou and then Shanghai (where we'll go to the World Expo). Then I really want to travel to a smaller city outside Shanghai named Suzhou that is renowned for its gardens, landscaping and beautiful temples. And then it's off too...

July 10th - July 21st - Vietnam/Thailand!

Steve and I are going to be doing some traveling after the program and we are planning on visiting northern Vietnam. I'm very eager to go to Halong Bay, which is one of UNESCO protected sites and is very beautiful. We also might travel over to Thailand now that the protests have subsided, but that decision is still in the making.

July 21st - July 25th - Travel back to Shanghai, to Honolulu and then on to Boston!

At long last, I will make it back to Boston by the end of July. I'm looking forward to spending the end of summer on the Cape, catching a Red Sox game, watching Lindsay in the camp show and reacquainting myself with the good old margarita maker.

September 4th - 7th - Head out to Wyoming for the Doyle wedding

I'll be heading back west to meet up with my old NC crew for Jamie Doyle's wedding near Jackson Hole.

And that's really the end of my summer fun... Once I finish all that in September, I'll have to take the MCAT and find a job. Yikes. But I have a good little short term schedule that should work out pretty nicely. I'm very much looking forward to my travels and to sharing them with all of you. I'll email you whenever I add something here, or just feel free to check it whenever. Not that I would ever assume that you have nothing better to do than check my blog...

I hope that all of you are well. I miss home, but I'll get there eventually. See you all soon!